in the Twilight Zone
the Matchmaker
end of the semester was approaching and still no sightings of J#2. I
had an in-class final to study for the last week of regular classes,
and not very adept at pulling all-nighters, I got up at 4 am to
study. I went down to one of the dorm basement study areas and found
it already occupied by a rather crabby J#1. He, unlike me, was too
familiar with all-nighters. He had been up all night studying and
took the arrival of my friendly presence as a signal to start
complaining. He was starving, had no money, and his car was buried in
snow so that even if he did have money, he didn't want to take the
time to clean off his car and drive out to Nick's Diner to get some
breakfast so he'd have the energy to finish studying for one of his
chemistry exams. I told him I had money and had dug my car out the
day before. I offered to drive him to Nick's and buy him breakfast.
His eyes lit up, and we were at Nick's Diner on the edge of town
before the sun came up.
next night I went down to the rec room at 11 pm, and there was J#2,
watching The
Twilight Zone.
He smiled at me, and I went over and sat next to him. We watched
the episode, then talked. We did the same the next night, and the
next, and the next. Some nights we'd go for a walk, some nights drink
tea together. During one of these early mini-dates, I heard that
still, small voice in my head that I usually identify as too wise to
be my own thoughts say, “This is the man you are going to marry.”
I filed the voice away in my mind, noting that I hadn't heard that
on a date with anyone else before. That week J#2 asked me out to a
chemistry professor's Christmas party. Finals came, and then
Christmas break. When we returned to campus in January, J#2 and I
met in the rec room each night, continuing our pattern of watching
Twilight Zone
reruns for much of the semester.
during the summer after our senior year, after months of dating, J#2
and I were reminiscing about the dorm mixer where we met, laughing
about M's desire to match me up with someone so I would stay away
from her beloved J#1. J#2 told me that shortly after the mixer,
before finals, J#1 approached him and asked him if he liked the girl
M had tried to pair him up with at the mixer. J#2 said, yes, he had
liked her, liked her a lot. J#1 went on to say that if J#2 was
interested in, say, casually running into that girl, he knew for a
fact that she went down to the rec room every night at 11 pm and
watched reruns of The
Twilight Zone...
voice in my head proved to be prophetic. I married J#2 two years
later. We've been married 38 years this month. (M did marry the
devious J#1, and they have been married almost as long. And Nick's
Diner still exists, remarkably unchanged...)
been almost 40 years to the day that it was revealed the creative
deception of a mutual friend was apparently responsible for bringing
me and J#2 together. Yet, I can never bring myself to say our
relationship began in a lie. I prefer to think it was forged in the
mysterious realm where many long loving relationships begin, a place
that often defies simple explanation, a place known as the twilight
may be said with a degree of assurance that not everything that meets
the eye is as it
appears. -Rod Serling