Sunday, April 21, 2013

I was originally going to call this blog “Dame Juliana's Angle”, but it seemed a little too offbeat, even for me, since my name is not Juliana, and I'm not British. Dame, or “Sister”, Juliana Berners was a nun who lived in England in the 1400s. She is attributed by some sources as to having written the first book ever published on the subject of sport fishing, Treatyse of Fysshynge wyth an Angle. An angle, in old fishing language, was a primitive fishhook. (Think of an open safety pin.) Dame Juliana had three things going for her that I admire – she wrote, she fished, and she loved God and His creation.

The word angle can also be defined as a point of view. The title of this blog, “The Angle”, reflects the content of what you will find here in weeks to come – my point of view. At times it might inform you or entertain you. Other times it may annoy you or infuriate you. It will probably embarrass my children and baffle my husband. (“You didn't really put that in print, did you?!!!) This blog will contain a wide variety of topics. Like Dame Juliana, I fish, I write and I love God and His creation. I also have been collecting quotations for many years and will include one with each blog entry. Look to be inspired by C. S. Lewis, or perhaps, Dave Barry, depending on my mood of the day. 

Whatever you think you can do or believe you can do, begin it - for action has magic, grace and power in it. - Goethe

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