the Garden #6)
Maintenance of Your Square Foot Garden
you have actually (or even, theoretically) planted your square foot
garden, it is now time to look at the day to day maintenance of it.
This is where you can really see the advantages of the square foot
method of gardening. An added bonus of square foot gardening is that
it is really easy to grow organic. Weeds, bugs and nutrients can
easily be managed in non-toxic ways.

You will find that you can control most bug problems without toxic
chemicals since your square foot garden is small enough to observe
and deal with insect problems before they can do much damage. Tomato
horn worms can be looked for, removed by hand, and disposed of
without insecticides. You can make up a batch of garlic and red
pepper solution, strained, put it in a spray bottle and spray it to
deter broccoli worms or almost any other garden pest. (Just remember
to reapply after watering or heavy rain!)
and Mulch: You can easily
apply any liquid organic fertilizer to your crops, or dig in small
amounts of manure and compost around your plants to feed them
organically. Once the larger plants, such as tomatoes and peppers,
are established, you can use compost or other organic mulch to put
around the base of the plants to feed them and conserve moisture.

Rotating Your Crops: Successive planting in the square foot garden is how you get more produce in less space. Lettuce, a cool weather crop, will turn bitter when the hot days of summer start. Pull out what is left of your lettuce, add some compost to the square and replant with a warm weather crop such as Swiss chard or green beans. If you've grown peas, another cool weather crop, on a trellis, when the end of the peas comes in hot weather, put up the vines and plant cucumbers or pole beans on the same trellis. You should be able to have multiple crops in your 4' x 4' block if you remove spent crops and replace them with new, season-appropriate ones.
– Conclusion - Now that you know the rules to square foot
gardening, let's break 'em! (Also, photos of my garden!)
weed is a plant that has mastered every survival skill except for
learning how to grow in rows.
- Doug Larson
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