first year of our marriage my husband and I lived in Ithaca, New
York. Our families were five hours away in the New York City area,
and because Jim was deep into his graduate studies, I often made the
trip to visit family without him. I worked for the university, so it
was easy to find company for my ride, one or more students who
would gladly pay toward gas money to avoid having to take the bus home for a weekend visit. It was in the late winter of that
year that I found myself driving a student to New York City.
was a personable, talkative undergraduate. I had not known him before this
trip, and we had a pleasant ride down to the city where I dropped him
off. Two days later, I picked him up for the return trip upstate.
Several hours into the trip, I heard this gentle voice in my head,
one that I've learned to recognize over the years as a prompting from
God. I usually know it's God and not me talking to myself because
the sense of urging I have is to do something that I wouldn't think
of doing on my own and often something I'd rather not do at all.
What I was hearing this time was, “Talk to him about Me...”
conversations into a particular direction is not my strong suit. My
introverted self was rather enjoying John's talkative nature on the
long drive, letting him carry the bulk of the conversational
responsibilities. But I did sense a certain urgency that I was to
engage John in a spiritual conversation. I spent the next hour
unsuccessfully attempting to turn our chatter toward anything that I
could introduce the word “God” into. Finally, I said, “Lord,
if You want me to talk to John about You, You are going to have to
give me an opening so big that I can't help but fall into it.”

this was back in the day when many cars still had snow
tires on in the winter that were exchanged for regular tires come the
spring. Jim and I would buy tires with rims so we could change and
rotate the wheels ourselves. We were living in a small apartment, so
we kept the regular tires, complete with rims, in the trunk of the
car, along with the spare. When John informed me of the two flats, I
told him, not a problem - I have three spares in the trunk, on rims.
He then apologetically told me that he didn't know how to change a
tire. (He just a short time earlier told me that one of the
interesting things about growing up in the city was that no one in
his family had a driver's license or owned a car...) I told him
again, not a problem - I knew how to change flats. He offered to be
the muscle if I would talk him through the process, and it wasn't
long before we were back on the road. I got off at the next exit to
have the underside of the car checked for damage. The mechanic put
the car up on the lift, but found nothing more than a few minor
scratches on the oil pan. We headed back to the interstate. John
was quiet the first few minutes back on the road and then he turned
to me and asked, “Do you ever think that sometimes there might be
a God or someone like that looking out for you?” And there it was
- the opening I had prayed for...so big that I couldn't help but fall
into it...
spent the next two hours talking about God and spiritual matters.
John had lots of questions. His mother had recently gotten involved
with Scientology, and while he could understand her spiritual
searching, he somehow felt she was looking in the wrong place. I
shared with him my experiences in searching and finding God in my own
life. I told him about groups back on campus that would encourage
and help him find a relationship with a God who loved him enough to
provide for him in unexpected ways – like getting a ride from a
girl who knew how to change flats and kept three spares in her trunk.
I never saw John again after I dropped him off, though I did pray
for him for a long time after that weekend.
have passed since that road trip. I still get a sense of God's
urging at times to talk to someone about Him. I still don't always
think of doing it on my own, or have a deep desire to want to do it
at all. And I'm not really much better at steering conversations in
a particular direction. But I have become quick to pray - “Lord,
You are going to have to give me an opening so big that I can't help
but fall into it.” When I finally realized God doesn't always
answer that prayer the way He did the first time I prayed it on that
road in Pennsylvania, that the answer doesn't always involve potholes
and flat tires, I was free to see the other ways God would work
through my prayer. Ultimately, it is God who reveals Himself to the
people seeking Him, drawing them into a relationship with Him. But He
does use us to speak into others' lives, often whether or not we feel
willing or naturally equipped to do a good job of it. Asking God for
the opportunity, the opening big enough, wide enough and deep enough
that we can't help but fall into it, starts positive movement in the
direction of talking about Him to others. Suddenly, conversations
get steered in the right direction. People hear and see the gospel in
operation in another person's life, often growing hungry to see it in
their own lives. Even one's own desire to see people come to know God
That graciously large, prayed-for opening, sometimes scary as it approaches, becomes a
place of
blessing for all – even when it looks big enough to swallow a
all acts of initiative or creation, there is one elementary truth,
the ignorance of which kills countless ideas and splendid plans: that
the moment one definitely commits oneself, then Providence moves too.
- William Hutchinson Murray, mountain climber
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