of Stone
TRIP – Day 5
Utah – Hurricane, Utah
Kolob Canyons

had a short day of driving ahead of us before we arrived at a hotel
near Zion National Park where we planned to spend the following day.
A little research the previous night found a second, less developed
section of Zion called Kolob Canyons that had an entrance and a
scenic drive easily accessible from Interstate 15. This unplanned
stop looked like a nice way to spend the afternoon. The twisty five
mile road had many scenic pull-offs, with a parking area at its end
and a trailhead for an even more scenic hike. We drove through
towering rocks of rose-colored sandstone along a paved road of
similar reddish hue. The roadside geological rock formations we had
seen previously along the Utah highways paled in comparison to these
rocks. These rocks were awesome, not in a “Hey, that's neat!”
way but in a holy, magnificent, overpowering
“” way. In a perfect world, I would
have brought a lawn chair, found some shade, and just sat for hours,
alternating between worshiping God and just sitting in silent awe in His presence within the walls of this incredible cathedral.
But I ended up doing a much abbreviated version of that, moving on
from overlook to overlook, praising God and soaking in the ever-changing rock
formations, marveling that the Creator of the universe was
so inordinately fond of rocks and, of course, taking photos. We parked
at the end of Kolob Canyons Road and headed out on the trail which
led to an overlook facing south toward the distant north rim of the
Grand Canyon. The path was lined with wildflowers, many of which I
had never seen before, flowering cacti, and some cute, photogenic
lizards. And the views continued to be ...awe...some...

our hike and return drive, we checked into our hotel and went to a
local diner-type restaurant for dinner. Here we had the first of
what would be three “Oneonta” encounters on our trip. My husband
was wearing a tee-shirt from our alma mater, a small state school in
Oneonta, New York. When we lived in New York, we regularly ran into
people from New York who had never heard of it. Here, in a small
restaurant in tiny Hurricane, Utah, a women from Utica, New York came
up to us and commented on us being from New York, having recognized
the Oneonta tee-shirt. Small school, small world...

he was drawing near—already on the way down the Mount of Olives—the
whole multitude of his disciples began to rejoice and praise God with
a loud voice for all the mighty works that they had seen, saying,
“Blessed is the King who comes in the name of the Lord! Peace in
heaven and glory in the highest!” And some of the Pharisees in the
crowd said to him, “Teacher, rebuke your disciples.” He answered,
“I tell you, if these were silent, the very stones would cry out.”
- Luke 19:37-40
Tax Dollars Well Spent
TRIP – Day 6
National Park
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